TEL:CN 0755-82330278 Hong Kong(852)5417-9988
Faculty strength International tutors with many years of teaching experience should pay attention to quality, effectiveness and package learning.

Huang Yao Ting

He created a special teaching method ten years ago, and now Hong Kong middle school students who have been tutored by him have made rapid progress in their short-term achievements, which has made them famous. This unusual teaching method was purchased by a Hong Kong educational institution for 50 million Hong Kong copyright. Now it just expires, so I work with my Training Department to create the future.
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 Registration Address HK:6/F, Hongtu Center, 94-96 Qiaoming Street, Niutoujiao, Kwun Tong (Exit B5, Niutoujiao Metro Station, 5 minutes) TEL:(852)5417-9988
Registration Address SZ:Room 1505, overseas friendship building, No. 12, Yingchun Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen (exit e of Guomao Metro Station) TEL:400-888-4768 0755-82330278