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Curriculum project China National Training Network Professional Skills Certificate

Early Education Instructor Course

Recently, the Central Committee and the State Council have called infant and early childhood education "early education" in their decision to solve the population problem as a whole, which is the starting link to improve the quality of the population. Early education is a new type of community education and modern service industry, which is based on family, based on community and aimed at improving the quality of the birth population. It is aimed at 0-6 year-old infants and their parents to carry out scientific childcare. Its professional objects are mainly engaged in early childhood education in families, communities and early childcare institutions.

There are about 15-20 million newborns and 120 million infants aged 0-6 in China every year. Most of them live in families and scattered in communities. How their qualities relate to the development of children, the happiness of families, the prosperity of the country and the future of society. From the strategic height of rejuvenating the country through science and education and the strategic vision of sustainable development, we should realize the importance of carrying out early community education and improving the quality of the birth population.

Early education instructors'early education for children aged 0 to 6 is related to the development of children's life, the happiness of every family, and the prosperity of the country. The executive meeting of the State Council has studied and deployed the current policies and measures for the development of early education and pre-school education, and made it clear that we should "strengthen the construction of preschool teachers, improve the training system of early education teachers, and strengthen the training of teachers". From this, we can see that it is imperative for early education to be brought into the standardized management of the government, for early education teachers to practise certificates and take the road of professionalization.

1. Course objectives:

1. Understand the characteristics of children of each age group, and carry out appropriate educational activities.

2. Grasp the characteristics of children's age and guide parents'education work pertinently.

3. Designing educational activities for each age group according to children's potential development goals;

4. Familiar with the process of parent-child activities, control every link, take into account every detail and key, and achieve good results.

5. Aiming at the development, propaganda and operation of parent-child garden, it is not only a mentor but also a consultant and a designer.

6. Drawing lessons from the characteristics of foreign parent-child education activities and combining with the national conditions of our country, we carry out various practical activities of parent-child games.

2. Training methods:

It is a combination of face-to-face teaching and online school teaching.

Through case analysis, scenario simulation, interactive communication and other ways, the course focuses on the improvement of students'quality, integrated practical training mode, rich content system.

Training courses:

It takes three days to complete the training of family education instructors. The details are as follows.

This course is based on Montessori Education, Multiple Intelligences, Orff Music, Sensory Training and Nobel Prize winner Roger Sperry's Left and Right Brain Theory. It involves nutrition, physiology, psychology, pedagogy and other disciplines. It integrates and innovates a unique and scientific teaching system.

Characteristics and Potential Development Targets of Infants and Young Children

1. Parent-child education is imperative

2. Development Characteristics of Children Before Three Years Old

Potential Development Target of 3.0-3-year-old Infants and Young Children

Parent-Child Course Setting and Organization Process

1. The Basis of Parent-Child Garden Curriculum

2. The Purpose of Developing Parent-Child Game

3. Requirements for parent-child games

4. Several Types of Parent-Child Courses

5. Organization process of parent-child activities

Guidelines for Parent-Child Education

1. Early Education Tasks in the New Form

2. The Role Orientation of Teachers and Their Role in Parent-Child Activities

3. Parent Role Orientation and Easy Problems

4. Teachers'guidance to parents in parent-child activities

Planning and Guidance of Parent-Child Garden

1. Series of preparations

2. Environment Creation and Teaching Aid Configuration

3. Pre-operation process

4. Parent-child Garden Management Skills

Operation guidance

1. Fine movements (playing with teaching aids and carrying out the activities of beauty labourers)

2. Language Cognition (Nursery Song Game, Finger Game, Cognitive Game)

3. Phonological games (music games, sports games, rainbow umbrella games)

4. Social interaction (self-introduction, greetings, familiarity with the environment, etc.)

5. Demonstration lessons for parents and children: 1-1.5 years old, 1.5-2 years old, 2-2.5 years old

4. Recruitment targets:

Kindergartens, early education institutions, community children's family service personnel, out-of-school counselors; youth activity centers, children's psychological counseling centers, child care centers; institutions trainers engaged in parent training, people from all walks of life interested in children's work and parents concerned about the healthy growth of children.

V. Conditions for declaration

(You can sign up if you meet one of the requirements)

1. Professional qualifications in education, psychology, nutrition, medical or nursing at or above secondary vocational school, with more than 3 years of relevant working experience;

2. College degree or above, 2 years or more relevant experience;

Six. Certificate

The certificate of professional skills training issued by China National Training Network (CNTN) was issued after the examination, and the certificate can be checked on the official website ( It is widely used throughout the country.

7. Registration methods:

852-54179988 852-96507319

8. Registration materials:

(1) 2-inch crown-free blue-background photos

(2) One copy of identity card

(3) One copy of the diploma

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